

About Cat & Dog

UnveilinGLORY’s Homeschool/Private School Curricula are Now Available For Grades K-12!


All of our materials are designed to be done 3 days a week for 30 weeks (90 Lessons)



Multiple curriculum available for K-5



Middle School

Specific materials geared for grades 6-8



High School

Four individual years of Cat & Dog Theology


Workshops Bob Gives At Homeschool Conventions!

The Top Five Life Lessons Most
Homeschool Families Miss

How to Get Your Kids To Live
Passionately For God’s Glory

How To Get Your Students Out
Of The Homeschool Bubble

Tips On How To Stop
Your Child From Whining


Adventures In Obedience

Begin training your children in godly character at a young age! This simple–yet powerful–curriculum helps you train your children to live for God’s glory in the area of obedience. Everyday examples are used such as “taking out the trash” and “playing with someone else’s toys” and “doing their chores.”

Along with all of this, you get 102 missionary stories in either written or audio form.

Elementary Year One

Cat and Dog Attitudes: Living To Make God Famous!

Train your children in:

  • A Servant Attitude
  • Thinking of Others First
  • Obeying Parents
  • A Heart for the World
  • Loving Siblings
  • Praying for the Nations
  • Honesty
  • (and much more…)

Elementary Year Two

Cat and Dog Rewards

What’s heaven going to be like? Is it really a place? Will we be floating on clouds, playing harps for all eternity or will we have real bodies? Will we still have our five senses? And will we have jobs? Can we hang out with family and friends? Can we play sports? And what about rewards? Will I get rewards when I get to heaven? Will everyone get rewards? Will we all get the same rewards? And what’s the difference between faith and works? All of these questions will be answered in a clear way for children to understand.

Middle School

The Dog Walk

Debby Sjogren tells her story of how she gave her life to Jesus at the age of 13. This practical curriculum will help your middle school child learn the basics of what it means to walk with God. They will learn:

  • How to have a quiet time
  • How to study and memorize God’s Word
  • How to creatively share their faith
  • How to serve their family, church and community
  • How to have a daily attitude that glorifies God

Debby gives the kids multiple options in each area she teaches so your students can “own” their walk with God!

High School

Year 1 | Grades 7-12

Cat and Dog Theology helps students learn that life is not about them; it is about living to glorify God!

Students are challenged to consider their core motivation: “Who do I live for? Do I live for God–or do I expect God to live for me?” These two totally different heart motivations create two totally different Christianities, both of which are prevalent in our churches today.

Discover a new purpose for living–to glorify God.

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Year 2 | Grades 8-12

Revealing God’s Greatest Glory helps your students see God’s desire to reveal His glory among all nations.

This year’s material will introduce them to the major world religions. They’ll gain a clear understanding about Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Tribal groups, and those without any religion. They’ll also discover God’s heart to reach all nations from Genesis to Revelation.

Join God in what He has been doing for 4,000 years!

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Year 3 | Grades 9-12

Living for Eternity (E267) challenges your students to live with an eternal perspective.

In this study, students begin to realize that 99.9999…% of their existence happens after they die, and how they live today can actually change how they exist forever! Your student will also gain a clear biblical understanding of the difference between grace and works. Don’t let your students give all their energy to living for the present.

Challenge them to live for eternity.

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Year 4 | Grades 9-12

Anticipating Heaven gets your students excited about their ultimate destination: Heaven! Tons of questions believers have are answered through a thorough study of Randy Alcorn’s book, Heaven.

Don Richardson’s newest book, Heaven Wins, also challenges them to think through Will there be more people in heaven or more people in hell? The answer may surprise you!

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What Moms

and Dads and

Students are

What Moms and Dads and

Students are Saying:

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By signing up, you'll also be getting three separate emails on why Bob and Debby are so glad they homeschooled their kids! This is an exclusive offer. They are 60+ years of age and wanting to encourage others to keep on homeschooling and not give up! The rewards are incredible. You'll want to watch these short videos that no one else will see!

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