This past Saturday, Debby and I flew down to Orlando, Florida to speak at Susan Dixon’s 60th Birthday party. It was held at a Holiday Inn with a full buffet dinner. One would think that it would be tough to keep the focus on God and His glory, but that’s exactly what Susan did with her own birthday party. |

Wanting to glorify God, Susan invited her clients (she is in wealth management) and approximately 60 showed up. They were from all walks of life. During her party she, and some of her key friends, laughed, joked, and sang praises to God. And you would think that it would be a time to give Susan gifts. But that’s not what Susan wanted. |

At the beginning, people were told that one person at each table had a hidden card under their chair. (It was a Project 97 card.) When each table discovered who it was, the winner received a copy of my latest book, One Degree Off. After much singing praise to God, I was invited to come up and speak. I did, speaking on the topic of “One Degree Off” and telling the essence of Cat and Dog Theology. (One man came up to me and said, “That was the best message I’ve ever heard in church.”) |

Even though it was her birthday, she didn’t ask for gifts. Instead, she asked that checks be given to Project 97 in light of her birthday. (We showed the video from the Project 97 website.)
And on top of that, she gave out gifts to various people who came (who was married the longest, who traveled the farthest , etc.) She successfully took the focus off of herself and put it on God.
All in all, it was a very God glorifying night. Kudos to Susan Dixon!
Welcome to the new decade!