
TeenCasts (Podcasts for Teens)

I had a fantastic time in Kenya last week. Lots of lives were changed. One of the biggest accomplishments was to help around 40 Kenyan art directors see that art can be tied directly to the glory of God. Kudos to Beth Scolaro as she showed some of her paintings and...

Grace vs. Works

Let’s be honest. The Bible can be very difficult to understand. When I was a child, I had my catholic friends and my protestant friends. My catholic friends said I had to be a good person in order to get to heaven. My protestant friends said I had to trust Jesus...

He Gave The Church an “F” Grade

This past Wednesday night I spoke at Grace United Family Church in Mechanicsville, VA. I went over basic statistics of what is happening in the world. I gave them a “Worst Case Scenario” designed to wake them up. (All statistics vary based on who you are...

The Missing Half of The Bible

Most Christians Only Read Half of their Bible When you read the Bible as a regular book, you can see an introduction (Genesis 1-11), a story (Genesis 12-Revelation 4) and a conclusion (Revelation 5 to the end.) This story is based on a promise to Abraham. God tells...